Dewey 24-Hour Readathon Preparation

What is Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon? For 24 hours, we read books, post to our blogs, Twitters, Tumblrs, Goodreads and MORE about our reading, and visit other readers’ homes online. We also participate in mini-challenges throughout the day. It happens twice a year, in April and in October.
  This is my tentative list of books from which I can choose from. If you've read any of these books and want to recommend which one I should read first, please leave a comment down below because I'm having a hard time choosing which books to read.

  The readathon starts at 8:00pm on April 29 here in the. This year, I think I'll go for 3 books, instead of the 2 last year. I'm always so lucky to be able to join during April because it's my term break, and I'm so, so excited! I would either be on a plane to Paris or just lazying around at home this year, but I'm not sure yet. Either way, I would have a lot of time for reading.

Being Friends With Boys

0/361 pages

A Tale of Two Centuries

0/326 pages

The Way We Bared Our Souls

0/277 pages

That Thing We Call A Heart

0/288 pages

Hour 1:


Hour 2:

